Seminar Calendar

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Los Errores Comunes de los Aprendices de Feng Shui Actuales 1

El Feng Shui tiene una larga historia, antiguamente el conocimiento solo era transferido verbalmente, no existía ningún instituto organizado que lo hiciera. Los antiguos Maestros confirman que este conocimiento pertenecía al de los académicos de la realeza, el cual desafiaba el deseo de Dios. Desde entonces, los Maestros ancestrales fueron muy cuidadosos en escoger a sus sucesores, ellos no querían hacer enojar a Dios.

Durante el nuevo período de China, el Maestro de Feng Shui Tam Yeung Ng (談養吾) fue el primero en comenzar los cursos a distancia. Consecuentemente, desde 1970 a 1980, el Maestro Tseng Chi Nam (曾子南) también uso este método de enseñanza en Taiwán. Sin embargo, el Feng Shui no era tan popular en ese momento; no lo fue, hasta que a finales de los 80’ el Maestro Song Siu Kwong (宋韶光) fue invitado a hablar acerca del Feng Shui en televisión en Hong Kong. Poco a poco las clases fueron en auge. Más y más gente conocía acerca del Feng Shui. Nuevos maestros y practicantes salieron a la luz en menos de un año, algunos de ellos eran incluso menores de 20 años. Cualquiera que tuviese una Brújula China podía ser el título de “Maestro”. A medida que más gente fue inmigrando hacia otros países antes de 1997, la creencia del Feng Shui comenzó a expandirse globalmente, y parte de este conocimiento fue traducido a diferentes idiomas.

Desde un punto de vista optimista, esto hizo que el antiguo Conocimiento ancestral de China, se volviera más popular y diera más oportunidades al público de leer libros de Feng Shui antiguos (oferta y demanda). Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista pesimista, la falta de revisión y evaluación de los principios del Feng Shui antes de enseñarlos a otros, produjo una gran desventaja en este estudio. Esto podría compararse a una persona ciega guiando a otro grupo de personas ciegas para cruzar la calle, lo cual sería muy peligroso en ambos casos para este grupo de personas y para el público. Esto llevaría al Feng Shui en una dirección equivocada, mientras que el verdadero conocimiento desaparecería.

Cuando yo comencé a aprender Feng Shui, la mayoría de los verdaderos maestros estaban escondidos en la sociedad. Algunos de ellos preferían trabajar en un campo diferente al del Feng Shui, dado que no querían ayudar o enseñar a la persona equivocada. Ellos sólo le enseñarían a alguien en que realmente confiaran, esto es porque existe una “Ley Universal” la cual deben seguir todos los maestros. En ese período era muy difícil encontrar a un verdadero maestro y el dinero era inservible en esta situación. Si no eras capaz de ver con ojos sabios, jamás encontrarías al verdadero maestro; si no eras lo suficientemente humilde jamás serías capaz de hablar de Feng Shui con ellos. Si bien podías entrar en sus casas probablemente jamás obtendrías un horario académico. Cuando el maestro te enseñaba una teoría, necesitabas aplicarla en otras teorías, así como también, requerirías bastante tiempo para digerirla. Como resultado aquéllos maestros graduados tenían una sólida base, pero un débil sistema de enseñanza. Como era difícil obtener el conocimiento, ellos preferían guardarlo como un secreto, ése fue uno de los mayores problemas que tuvimos para aprender el Feng Shui en ese tiempo.

Actualmente el Feng Shui parece tener un mejor sistema y cada clase tiene un programa similar. Si te atreves a preguntarle a alguno de esos profesores acerca de los principios que enseñan y de los resultados de aquellos principios, la mayoría de ellos no sería capaz de responder, puesto que solo copian de libros o de los materiales del maestro. Cuando un estudiante hacía preguntas mas profundas, ellos darían una respuesta incorrecta o crearían un nuevo concepto del Feng Shui, porque no son capaces de entender completamente el conocimiento, de esta forma estarían guiando a sus seguidores hacia la dirección equivocada, pero ¿a quién le importa?

En este mundo capitalista, el marketing es la clave del éxito, pero no el camino. Muchos aprendices de feng Shui se identifican como maestros y dictan seminarios dirigidos al público sin ninguna prueba de su conocimiento, ellos no quieren perder la oportunidad de obtener beneficios y ganancias del mercado del Feng Shui y hacen todo lo posible para conseguirlo. Basados en sus propios beneficios, se levantan argumentos entre diferentes escuelas, como también entre los maestros y sus estudiantes. Los recién llegado al Feng Shui están experimentando dificultades al momento de decidir a quién seguir, siendo éste uno de los mayores problemas que deben enfrentar los aprendices de Feng Shui.
Comencé a estudiar la Metafísica China en 1972 y desde este año al año en el cual comencé a enseñar
I- Ching en la universidad de Hong Kong, ya tenía 18 años de práctica. A través de esos años probé mi conocimiento y estaba muy seguro de poder identificar los defectos de las diferentes prácticas del Feng Shui, antes de comenzar mi carrera como maestro. El conocimiento que enseño a mis estudiantes fue probado por mí, usted se podrá dar cuenta cuando tenga la oportunidad de aprenderlo de mí. Sea bienvenido a compararlo con lo que ha aprendido antes.

Escoger a un verdadero maestro no es difícil, pero lo más importante es tener la actitud adecuada para entrar en el campo del Feng Shui. El tipo de persona que usted sea atraerá a un tipo de maestro en su vida. Además, todos los verdaderos maestros tiene un claro linaje y tampoco les gusta discutir con otros, son mas humildes y no les gusta presumir de su enseñanza, ellos le demostrarán su conocimiento. Cuando aplique su conocimiento, obtendrá por lo menos un 80% de exactitud en el resultado. Los maestros serán selectivos al momento de elegir a sus estudiantes y clientes; si usted detecta algunos de estos síntomas en su maestro, podrá seguirlo y confirmar si es o no el maestro indicado para usted.

Tal como lo dice el antiguo proverbio Chino: “abra sus sabios ojos para elegir antes de elegir con sus oídos”

Traducido por: Jessica Sepúlveda H.
Andrea Vergara S.


Monday, February 22, 2010

The common mistakes of nowadays Feng Shui Learners 2

Feng Shui Research

Most Feng Shui Schools would advise their students to do research on the ancient Feng Shui Tombs; therefore visiting the 10 Famous Feng Shui Tombs in Hong Kong is a crucial study for most of the Feng Shui classes. In fact, every Feng Shui master must know the location of each famous Feng Shui Tomb.

Although these 10 Feng Shui Tombs are very famous, if you ask which is the number one tomb among those graves, every master will have a different opinion. And the main reason is that each master’s Feng Shui knowledge is at a different level.
Just imagine, if every master had the same training, their perspective of Luen Tau ( 巒頭) should be the same; that is why all the Feng Shui books state that “Luen Tau Mo Kar巒頭無假” (direct translation: Luen Tau would not be fake).

Now, back to the original topic – how come there are so many different opinions? One of the problems is related to many “so-called” masters who only repeat the words of the previous masters and books without really digesting and analyzing those information. If the tomb is not there, they are unable to spot any burial point - “Lung Yuen 龍穴”; not to mention the proper burial process, the depth of the grave, the grave styles, and etc. Likewise, how many masters can understand the reasons that certain graves are located at certain places and the advantages and disadvantages of each tomb?

Question to keep in mind: when you learned from your master, did you inquire yourself or your master about those information?

When I taught my in-house students in the past, I would question them before they ask me because this will make them think more; encouraging to become more responsible to the public and become a more ethical master.

In order to learn Feng Shui, you must visit a cemetry with your master and ask him/her to spot the best one grave and explain the reasons for it. Afterward, you need to research the offsprings of the tomb’s owner and proof the accuracy of your master’s knowledge. If your master is correct, finding a good burial point won’t be difficult for him/her.

For practitioners who focus on the Yan Feng Shui, have you visit some apartment building with you master and ask him/her to indicate the best unit? Many of you practice Feng Shui using charts and facings, but in an apartment, many units have the identical chart and facing, so how can you explain the differences in reality?
When you completed the above research, you might just enter the Feng Shui door. When you are able to find the right place within a short period of time, you should be heading the right direction; at least, you are not becoming a fake Feng Shui master.

When I was learning and teaching Feng Shui in Hong Kong, I still had the fortune to do some complete review of those 10 famous Grave and understand why they were chosen to be the top 10 famous Graves in Hong Kong. Today, all the enviroment has changed. The once good Luen Tau is no longer viewable due to the massive constructions in Hong Kong. This is telling us that the new Feng Shui learners does not have enough fortune learn, which totally proofs the ancient book’s saying, “ If a client want to get a good Feng Shui place without building up a good heart, a real master would never disclose the truth. 若然求地不重德,穩口深藏舌。”

Whether it is a good idea to study the previous tombs or not highly depends on which Feng Shui Grave you are researching.

As one of our students strongly emphasized “be careful which master you study from” because your master has an enormous amount of impact on your study route.

At the same, it your personality and your heart that decide what kind of master you will become.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My News Paper Interview

Some of News Paper Interview about Master Chung

Master Yeung Wan Chung's Temple

Some of my Feng Shui research about our Great Grand Master Yeung Wan Chung 楊筠松, who is the first master to share Feng Shui to the public. That is why we call ourself is the student of Master Yeung 楊公弟子.

Most of the people claim themself is a Feng Shui Master, but they never know about the history of the Feng Shui, they may heard about Master Yeung but never know who is him and where is him. Let Master Chung show you where he is.

You want to act as an actors of Master Yeung 楊公戲子 or students of Master Yeung 楊公弟子 is totally up to you...........

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The common mistakes of nowadays Feng Shui Learners 1

Feng Shui has a long time history, the knowledge was only transfer verbally without an organized institute. Our previous masters confirmed that this knowledge was belonging to the Royal Academic’s knowledge, which challenges the God’s wish. Therefore our previous masters were very careful in choosing their inheritors; they didn’t want to get the God mad.

During the New China period, Feng Shui Master Tam Yeung Ng (談養吾) was the first one to start the distance learning courses of the Feng Shui. Consequently, from 1970 to 1980, Master Tseng Chi Nam (曾子南) in Taiwan also used this type of method to teach Feng Shui. However, Feng Shui was not that popular during this moment. It was until Master Song Siu Kwong (宋韶光) got invited to talk about Feng Shui on the television in Hong Kong during the late 1980s, Feng Shui became more popular. Feng Shui classes were booming. More and more people knew about Feng Shui. New masters and practitioners were coming out in less than a year. Some of them were below the age of 20. Everyone who had a Chinese Compass can be called “Master”. As more people immigrated to other countries before 1997, the Feng Shui belief started to expand from its origin to globally, and part of this knowledge was translated into different languages.

From the optimistic point of view, this has made the Chinese Ancient knowledge become more popular and allow more chances for the public to read more Ancient Feng Shui Books (supply and demand). However, from the pessimistic standpoint, the lack of reviewing and evaluating the Feng Shui principles before teaching others propose a big drawback to this study. It is similar to a blind person leading another group of blind people to cross the road. It is very dangerous for this group of people and the public. This will make Feng Shui end up in the wrong direction while the true knowledge will be disappeared.

When I started learning Feng Shui, most of the real masters were hidden in the society. Some of them preferred to work in a different area instead of the Feng Shui field as they didn’t want to help or teach a wrong person. They only taught someone whom they really trust. It is because there is a “Universal Law” which all the real masters must follow. During that time, finding a true master is very difficult and money was useless in this situation. If you didn’t have a pair of wisdom eyes, you would never find a real master. If you were not humble enough, you would never get a chance to talk about Feng Shui with them. Although you might get into the door, you would never have a learning schedule. When the master taught you one theory; you needed to apply it into other theories. You needed to spend a lot of time to digest. As a result, those graduated masters had a solid foundation while a weak system in teaching. As it was hard to get the knowledge, they preferred to keep it as a secret. That was the problem for us to learn Feng Shui during that moment.

Nowadays Feng Shui seems to have a better system, and every Feng Shui class have a similar syllabus. If you dare to ask those teachers about the principles that they teach and the results of those principles, most of them couldn’t answer because they just copy either from the book or their masters’ materials. When a student asked some deeper questions, they might give a wrong answer or create a new concept of Feng Shui because they do not fully understanding the knowledge. They guide their followers into the wrong direction. But who cares?

In this money-talking world, marketing is the key to success, not the skill. A lot of Feng Shui learners claim themselves as a Feng Shui master and give Feng Shui seminars to the public without any proof of their knowledge. They do not want to miss the hot Feng Shui market. They try their best to maximize the profit in this hot market. Based on their own benefits, arguments arise among the different schools as well as between the masters and their students. Feng Shui newcomers are experiencing difficulties to decide whom they should follow. This one of the main problems for today’s Feng Shui learners.

I started learning Chinese Metaphysics in 1972; and from this year to the year I started teaching I-Ching in the continue education of Chinese University in Hong Kong, I already had 18 years of practice. Through out those years, I had prove my knowledge and I was very confident that I can identify the flaws of various Feng Shui practices out in the public before I started my teaching career. The knowledge that I taught my students was proved by me. You will find it out when one day you get the chance to learn from me. You are welcome to compare what you have learned before.

Choosing a real master is not difficult; but the most important is to have the right attitude to get into the Feng Shui field. What kind of person you are will attract what kind of master in your life. Furthermore, all the real masters have a clear linage; they don’t like to argue with others. They are more humble and don’t like to show off. They will show you the proof for their knowledge. When you apply his/her knowledge, you will get at least 80% accuracy in the result. They will be more selective in choosing their clients and students. If you find this kind of symptoms in your masters, you can follow them and confirm whether they are the right masters for you or not.

As the old Chinese saying, "Open your wisdom eyes to select is better than use your ears to select."

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The common mistakes of nowadays Feng Shui Learners preface

In the near future, I will translate some of my old articles relate to what I saw in the Feng Shui field. The topic is "The common mistakes of nowadays Feng Shui Learners". It may hurt a lot of people's feelings and harm their Feng Shui business.

I am fully understood how you feel, because most of the western Feng Shui practitioners or masters are thinking they have the best of knowledge in Feng Shui, they were learnt from the most famous masters in the world. If they agree with what I said, that means they have a wrong judgements and not smarter enough. How can a person admit they spend a lot of time and money in the wrong direction?

Besides that, although I tell the truth, you also may not listen. You will think that I only want to recruit more students and use it as a gimmick. In fact, if you become my students, it is your luck. If you are not my student, it is my luck.

Base on these two reasons, I closed my mouth for a period of time.

After the financial crash in united state, it was a wake up call. Why it happened when a lot of so-call Feng Shui Masters all over the world?

If Feng Shui is helping the people have a better living, the economic should not be getting worst. There should be something wrong.

Moreover, the law case "Nina Wang" happened in Hong Kong also gives me a signal that it is a time for me to say something for the Feng Shui new comers.

There are only 3 types of people will read my articles; the first is the people who against me, no matter what I am talking, they will against. The second is the people who like me; they agree what I am talking. The third type is the people who are in between the first 2 types.

My purpose of writing is only for the 3rd type of the people, I just want to share some of my point of view to lead you to make a right choice before you step into the Feng Shui field.

Your comments are welcome but need to be polite, I will not reply all the comments. Your comments also need to approve before it post.

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