Seminar Calendar

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bodhidharma Story

During the Leung Dynasty (464-549 A.D.), Buddhism was the most popular religion in China as Emperor Wu highly believed in Buddhism. Many temples were being built around the country and a lot of the people became monk and practiced Buddhism.

At that moment, Bodhidharma – the Patriarch of Zen – came to the country from India. When Emperor Wu knew Bodhidharma was coming, he informed Tung Lam Temple, one of the biggest temples, to entertain him. The day that Bodhidharma came to the Temple, all the monks living in the Temple were gathered and waited for this special guest in the front door.

When Bodhidharma arrived, all the monks were shock as they look at Bodhidharma’s dirty clothes and realized he had no shoes. Bodhidharma’s poor appearance was not respected by the monks.

When The Master of the Temple invited Bodhidharma to give a lesson, Bodhidharma took a look at the Buddhist Bibles that the Master prepared and then closed all of them. He smiled, meditated for a little while and stepped down from the lecture stage. None of the monks understood what Bodhidharma did.

Since then, every monk in Tung Lam Temple looked down on Bodhidharma while no one would talk to him.

Days passed and examination period began for the senior monks. This examination consisted of meditating for 3 days and 3 nights while no one could say a word.

Four senior monks got into the meditation room to do this examination, and Bodhidharma followed them into the room and observed the examination. In the last night of the examination, the wind was blowing very strong outside which blew one of the windows open and blew off the candle lights.

Monk A shouted, “The candle lights are blew off.”

Monk B tried to stop A by saying, “Why are you shouting?”

Monk C tried to stop B and said, “No one is allowed to talk during meditation.”

Monk D was very happy and said, “Luckily, I did not talk.”

These four monks covered their mouths when they found they failed the examination.

At this moment, Bodhidharma opened his eyes and took out a ceramic dish and polishing it on the table.

Monk A asked Bodhidharma, “What are you doing?”

Bodhidharma answered, “I am polishing the dish until it turns into a mirror.”

Monk B said, “Dish never can turn into mirror like this!”

Bodhidharma replied, “True. Same idea, meditation will never make you enlightened.”

Monk C thought about his analogy and asked, “So, how can we can get enlightened?”

Bidhidharma said, “Enlightenment requires you to go back to your foundation. You need to start from your heart. It is the first place for your thoughts and activities. If you don’t understand this basic step, you are wasting your time in practicing Buddhism.”

Monday, April 19, 2010

Eight Immortals Story

In Taoism, Eight Immortals are very popular. The leader of Eight Immortals is Immortal Lui. He is better known than the other seven Immortals.

When he first met his master – Immortal Chung Lay – Immortal Chung Lay asked him, “What do you want to learn from me?”

Immortal Lui asked, “What can you teach me?”

Immortal Chung Lay replied, “I can teach you two things: the first one is turning a rock to gold by touching it; and the other is the Taoism. You only can pick one.”

Immortal Lui asked, “Will the gold turns back to a rock later?”

Immortal Chung Lay replied, “Yes, it will turn back to a rock after 500 years.”

Immortal Lui asked again, “What is the benefit of learning Taoism?”

Immortal Chung Lay replied, “You will at liberty to enjoy oneself if you success, but it is very tough during learning.”

Immortal Lui said, “In this case, I will choose to learn Taoism from you.”

Immortal Chung Lay asked, “Why?”

Immortal Lui answered, “If I learn how to change a rock to gold by touching it, I can get the benefit now but I will hurt the people 500 years later.”

Since Immortal Lui has a good heart, he was able to meet a good master and become successful in learning Taoism. In comparison, turning a rock to gold is a little magic he can perform anytime.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Scholar and the old monk

One day, an old monk was sitting in the temple and enjoying his tea, and then a scholar came to visit the temple. The monk invited the scholar to have a tea.
The scholar asked the old monk, “I am teaching Buddhism in the university for so many years, and I studied most of the Buddhist bibles. In fact, I can repeat the whole collection of the Buddhist Bibles from the first chapter to the last chapter by memory. I practice everyday and I see everything has no differences, nothing is bordering me. Am I in the right track?

The old monk smiled and didn’t answer him. At the same time, the old monk picked up a pot and added up some more tea into the scholar’s cup. The monk continues to do that and the tea over flew the cup.

The scholar stopped the old monk and said, “Did I ask you a difficult question that makes you nervous?”

The old monk smiled and said, “No, I already answered your question.”

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Los Errores Comunes de los Aprendices de Feng Shui de Hoy 3

Algunos maestros de Feng Shui siempre alientan a sus estudiantes a leer más clásicos del Feng Shui. El motivo es bueno como muchos maestros antiguos publican libros para transferir su conocimiento a otros, mientras muchos maestros actuales publican libros para aumentar su fama.

A causa de la razón anterior algunos maestros incluso creen que los antiguos libros de Feng Shui deben estar correctos.

Este argumento suena muy lógico, pero en realidad propone un gran problema. Cuando lea mi libro reorganizado “Tin Yuk Ging – Chu Ka Ju” (el libro del Cielo Turquesa – explicado por varias escuelas), usted verá que todas las explicaciones están hechas por grandes maestros del Feng Shui que son muy famosos. Sin embargo ellos tienen una cosa en común; todos son expertos en antiguos dialectos chinos.

Cuando se examina una oración, cada persona tiene su propia perspectiva y entendimiento, cada uno tiene una diferente explicación. Como resultado, el uso de la ley del Qi (algunos maestros actuales la llaman “Escuela de la Brújula”) es diferente. Si decimos que ellos están explicando los antiguos clásicos del Feng Shui, ¿Por qué no decimos que ellos están escribiendo su propia tesis?

Haciendo referencia a los clásicos para reforzar el argumento de alguien, es una práctica razonable, porque mucha gente cree que si la persona no es famosa, la idea que ella presenta es una falacia. Mucha gente no absorberá o tratará de comprender completamente los conceptos del autor.

Para aquéllos que tratan de buscar el verdadero conocimiento esto es un obstáculo, y si esto no es removido será difícil mejorar. Es por eso esencial mirar un asunto desde un punto de vista objetivo y desde diferentes ángulos, analizar esos asuntos desde sus diferencias y similitudes para encontrar el punto correcto. Si podemos seguir esta fórmula seremos capaces de resolver los misterios y de encontrar nuevas teorías.

Piense en esto, las personas en la antigüedad no tenían los “antiguos clásicos”, entonces ¿De quiénes podían tomar referencia para dar soporte a sus argumentos? Como nuestros antiguos talentos pudieron romper reglas ¿Cómo podemos nosotros usar las palabras de las personas de la antigüedad para dar suporte a nuestros pensamientos? ¿Por qué no podemos desarrollar nuestras propias teorías?

Para que un libro se convierta en un clásico deben pasar varios años. Trate de responder esto: si hoy un falso maestro escribe algunos maestros de Feng Shui que se convertirán en los clásicos del mañana y que nuestros sucesores crean sin dudas en esos “clásicos” ¿Qué tipo de conocimiento obtendrán nuestros sucesores?

Hoy la mayor parte de los clásicos del Feng Shui a los cuales podemos acceder, son de maestros inferiores. La literatura está pobremente hecha y muchos de ellos contienen teorías contradictorias. Aquellos que están escritos por eruditos tienen un muy buen flujo y una buena gramática, pero están viviendo en sus propios pensamientos y fantasías sin tener experiencias prácticas. Este tipo de literatura es buena para aprender gramática y fortalecer la creatividad de una persona, pero seguir las prácticas de allí sería cavar su propia tumba, sin retorno. Solo hay unos pocos que tienen contenido y excelente perspectiva que los aprendices pueden elegir, sin embargo, aquella literatura está falta de flujo y de intereses y además los aprendices sin linaje son incapaces de encontrar los verdaderos contenidos y secretos dentro ellos. Esta es la principal idea que los maestros de la antigua China sigue: “Pasa el libro, pero no la llave”. Es por lo mismo que es importante tener un buen maestro.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Two monks story

In the ancient China, Buddhism was the new religious and starting influence China. There were 2 monks living in a country call “Suk 蜀”, one is rich and one is poor. Both of them wish to bring more Buddhist Bibles from India. The rich monk always want to save more money to afford his journey, he keep waiting until he feel enough of the travel expense. The poor monk hadn’t thought too much, he started his journey to India. Five years later, the poor monk bring back a lot of Buddhist Bibles and the rich monk still had not save enough of money for him to start the journey.

I was teaching Face Reading to the Western since 2004, one of my student who learnt from me on 2005, 4 years later, she got a invitation from TV because of Face Reading. After that, TV station starts a new Face Reading program for her. If she did not learn from me before the chance coming, do you think than she will in the TV now? This is always a chance waiting for you to be the next one show up in the TV.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Qi Kung and Meditation Level 1

Qi Kung Level 1:
- Methods of Qi Kung
- Self Qi Kung and its damage
- Attention before practice
- Breathing method and warm up
- Standing style Qi Kung
- Walking style of Qi Kung
- Sitting style of Qi Kung
- Sleeping style of Qi Kung

Meditation Level 1:
- The different methods of meditation
- Dealing the side effects of meditation
- The basic steps of meditation

Qi Kung Level 1: 800 USD
Meditation Level 1: 800 USD

Enroll Now:

Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 6:00pm
End Time: Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 8:00pm
Location: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Toronto - Markham
Street: 10 East Pearce Street
City/Town: Richmond Hill, ON

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Professional Face Reading Certificate Level 1 & 2

What will you master after 8 Days:
- 5 Mountains and 4 Rivers
- 3 Zones
- 5 Features and 6 Stores
- 4 Study Rooms and 8 Study Rooms
- 13 Center Position
- 12 Rooms
- Face Features
- Ears
- Eyebrows
- Eyes
- Nose
- Mouth
- Face Shapes and Spirit
- Bones and Muscle
- Hairs and Nails
- Scar and Moles
- 15 Different Face formats
- and much more

Level 1 = 1500 USD
Level 2 = 1500 USD

Enroll Now:

Start Time: Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 9:30am
End Time: Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 5:00pm
Location: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Toronto-Markham
Street: 10 East Pearce Street
City/Town: Richmond Hill, ON

Sunday, April 4, 2010


欲求富貴, 可以此為師. 欲求證道, 可引此為戒.



If you want to be rich, you can read the above books to learn its skill. If you want to build up a good personality, you need to avoid yourself to do the same.