Seminar Calendar

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Subway in Russia before bombs attacks

I was visiting Russia on 2006, these photos were taking on that moment. Let see how did the subway look like.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

92 Worldwide I Ching Conference in Hawaii

92 Worldwide I Ching Conference in Hawaii!/album.php?aid=409533&id=492692560257&ref=mf

I was invited as a guest speaker in the conference and also represented Hong Kong to present my research in I Ching.

How many I Ching Experts that you can recognize in those photos.

Friday, March 19, 2010

91 worldwide I Ching Conference in Malaysia

91 Worldwide I Ching Conference

I was invited as a guest speaker in the conference and also represented Hong Kong to present my research in I Ching.

How many I Ching Experts that you can recognize in those photos.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Master Issac Chung's Interview with Fairchild TV

In this interview, Master Issac Chung was invited by Fairchild TV - a Chinese TV station in Toronto, Canada.

If you can't see it, you can click on the following link:

Monday, March 15, 2010


Si no puede ver este video, por favor haga clic en el siguiente enlace:

The Common Mistakes of Nowadays Feng Shui Learners 4

Agony of Despairs

Most people use their own knowledge to review the common “fortunes and misfortunes”. This method would not propose any problem when examining the regular Feng Shui case; however, contradicting scenario would arise when encountering special cases.

Of course, it would not be difficult for an individual to solve the puzzle by learning from others before being a master; but after becoming a famous master, who would be willing to tell others that his/her teaching materials are fraudulent theories? As a result, the so-called “master” would lie to the public and hide the true problems from the students.

From a personal or business perspective, the reactions of those masters cannot be viewed as doubtful behaviour. Who would agree to destroy one’s own path and start all over again? And who would have the courage to lower one’s own dignity and accept the consequences from others’ contempt?

From an educational point of view, these kinds of reaction would cause harms to the knowledge.

Throughout history, I only recall Master Tam Yeung Wu (談養吾) had publicly announced his doubts on his own Feng Shui knowledge. However, at a very old age, he was unable to do anything to correct the mistakes – one thing that he was very regretful about.

From Master Tam’s incident, it reminded me a conversation that I had with my Chinese Calligraphy teacher. He told me there was once an individual who wants to study Chinese Calligraphy with him; this individual even brought his work to the teacher and claimed that he has been practicing for 30 years. My teacher took a look and slightly said, “Very good, keep up with your practice”.

Although this individual had been practicing Chinese Calligraphy for 30 years, his method of writing was wrong – not a single stroke was right.

My teacher was very humble and considerate, he didn’t want to destroy that individual’s confidence and dignity; hence, he just told this individual to keep on practice.

Let’s think about this in a logical way: before pen was introduced to China, most Chinese used Calligraphy brush to write. Though there were many neat and organized writings, how come there are only a few Chinese Calligraphy Specialists or Artists?

The negative impact of a wrong Chinese Calligraphy writing method is unable to become a Chinese Calligraphy Professional, but the words could still be organized and eye-appealing. What about Feng Shui? If a Feng Shui practitioner uses the wrong method, it will affect him/herself and others – causing extermination of a family.

For a few dollars and praises within a small circle, are you willing to walk on the slaughter’s path of no return?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Investigación Feng Shui 2

Investigación del Feng Shui

La mayoría de las escuelas de Feng Shui aconsejarían a sus estudiantes investigar las antiguas tumbas del Feng Shui; es por eso que visitar las 10 tumbas famosas del Feng Shui en Hong Kong es un estudio crucial para la mayoría de las clases de Feng Shui. De hecho, cada maestro de Feng Shui debe conocer la ubicación de cada famosa tumba.

Aunque estas 10 tumbas son muy famosas, si usted pregunta cual es la primera tumba entre las otras, cada maestro tendrá una opinión diferente. La razón principal es que el conocimiento de cada maestro está a un nivel distinto. Sólo imagine, si cada maestro tiene el mismo entrenamiento su perspectiva de Luen Tau ( 巒頭) debería ser el mismo; es por eso que todos los libros de Feng Shui afirman que “Luen Tau Mo Kar 巒頭無假” (traducción directa: Luen Tau no sería falso).

Ahora volviendo al tema original- ¿Cómo pueden haber tantas opiniones diferentes?- uno de los problemas está relacionado a los muchos “llamados” maestros, quienes sólo repiten las palabras de los maestros ancestrales y de los libros sin realmente digerir y analizar aquella información. Si la tumba no esta allí, ellos son incapaces de encontrar un punto de sepultura “Lung Yuen 龍穴”; sin mencionar el proceso de entierro apropiado, la profundidad de la tumba, los estilos de ésta, etc. Así mismo, ¿cuántos maestros pueden entender las razones de la ubicación de ciertas tumbas en lugares específicos y las ventajas y desventajas de cada tumba?

Pregunta para tener en cuenta: cuando aprende de su maestro, ¿acaso usted se pregunta o le pregunta a su maestro sobre esa información?

Cuando les enseñé a mis alumnos interinos en el pasado, solía preguntarles antes que ellos me lo preguntasen a mi porque esto los haría pensar más, alentándolos a ser más responsables para con el público y convirtiéndolos en maestros más éticos.

Para aprender Feng Shui, usted debe visitar un cementerio junto a su maestro y pedirle que encuentre la mejor tumba y que le explique las razones por lo cual lo hizo. Luego usted necesita buscar a los descendientes del dueño de la tumba y probar la efectividad de los conocimientos de su maestro. Si su maestro está en lo correcto encontrar un buen punto de entierro no será difícil para el o ella.

Para los practicantes que se concentran en el Feng Shui Yan: ¿alguna vez ha visitado algún edificio de departamentos con su maestro y le ha pedido que le indique cuál es el mejor? Muchos de ustedes practican el Feng Shui utilizando gráficos y orientaciones, pero en un departamento muchos de ellos gráficos y orientaciones idénticas, entonces ¿Cómo puede explicar las diferencias en la realidad? Cuando complete la búsqueda, usted podría estar entrando por la puerta del Feng Shui, cuando usted sea capaz de encontrar el lugar correcto en un corto período de tiempo, usted podría estar yendo en la dirección correcta, o por lo menos usted no se estaría convirtiendo en un falso maestro de Feng Shui.

Cuando estaba aprendiendo y enseñando Feng Shui en Hong Kong, aún tenía la suerte de hacer una completa revisión de esas 10 tumbas y entender porque ellas fueron elegidas para ser las 10 más famosas tumbas en Hong Kong. Hoy el ambiente ha cambiado. El que alguna vez fue el buen Luen Tau ya no puede ser visto debido a la gran cantidad de construcciones en Hong Kong, esto nos está diciendo que los nuevos aprendices de Feng Shui no tienen la suficiente suerte de aprender, lo cual prueba totalmente el antiguo dicho del libro: “Si un cliente quiere tener un buen lugar Feng Shui sin construir un buen corazón, el verdadero maestro jamás debe revelar la verdad. 若然求地不重德,穩口深藏舌”

Si es una buena idea o no el estudiar las tumbas antiguas depende altamente de cual sea la tumba Feng Shui que se está investigando.

Como uno de nuestros estudiando enfatizó fuertemente “sea cuidadoso del maestro que estudie, porque su maestro tiene una gran impacto en su ruta de estudio”

Al mismo tiempo, es su personalidad y su corazón los que deciden el tipo de maestro en el cual usted se convertirá.

Traducido por: Jessica Sepúlveda H.
Andrea Vergara S.

My Feng Shui Book - Tin Yuk King!/album.php?aid=401974&id=492692560257

Tin Yuk King is the most important "Yuen Hung Tai Gua" Feng Shui Book, I collected several anicent Feng Shui Master's explaination. If you have not read this book before, that mean you are not stepping into the Feng Shui door yet.

My Feng Shui Book - I Ching & Feng Shui!/album.php?aid=401903&id=492692560257&ref=mf

This is my Feng Shui Book - I Ching & Feng Shui. In this book, I explained how did the Feng Shui theory come from the I Ching theory. It gave you a full picture of the Feng Shui theory.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Common Mistakes of Nowadays Feng Shui Learners 4

The Common Mistakes of Nowadays Feng Shui Learners 4

Ignorance to Make You Fail

There are three kinds of attitude when an individual is exposed to the idea of Feng Shui:

1.) Believe Feng Shui without a doubt, anything that he or she does will require Feng Shui consultation
2.) Believe Feng Shui with doubts – it’s better to believe the existence of Feng Shui than omit the idea completely; there’s nothing to lose
3.) Doubt Feng Shui completely

Any type of people mentioned above actually has biases toward Feng Shui.

The first type of people believes Feng Shui completely; their life is controlled by Feng Shui. People under this category are living in a life as a doll.

The second type of people does not have their own thoughts. They believe in Feng Shui because they don’t want to lose opportunities – motive is based on greed.

The last type of people is unable to view an issue without bias; they do not open their mind to think of the possibility of Feng Shui’s existence.

If you want to understand Feng Shui thoroughly, you must have the qualities of each type of the people mentioned above. This will lead you to view the subject of Feng Shui in the most neutral way.

Most people who learn Feng Shui overlooked this core issue, and the reasons for it are:

1.) Human Factor:
• Misinterpret Feng Shui books
• Different masters have different level of skills
• Different views and sights due to different body structure
• Inaccurate tools
• Different methods in using the tools

2.) Environment Factor:
• Natural changes in the environment
• Magnetic variations
• Natural changes in the river flow
• Constructions and renovations
• Differences in building materials
• Weather differences
• Changes with the sun rise and sunset
• Qi flow changes as building changes
• Weather changes

3.) Time Factor:
• Time changes within a day
• Season changes in a year

All the mentioned factors above will affect Feng Shui; so when you were studying Feng Shui, how many factors have you considered?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Common Mistakes of Nowadays Feng Shui Learners 3

****** Self learn from the books *****

Some Feng Shui masters always encourage their students to read more Feng Shui classics. The motive is good as many ancient masters publish books for transferring their knowledge to others; whereas many current Feng Shui masters publish books for improving their fame.

Because of the above reason, some masters even believe that the ancient Feng Shui books must be correct.

This argument sounds very logic, but it proposes a very huge problem in reality. When you read my reorganized book, “Tin Yuk Ging – Chu Ka Ju” (The book of Sky Jade – Explained by Various Schools), you will see the explanations are all done by Feng Shui grand masters who are very famous. However, they have one thing in common - they are all experts in ancient Chinese dialects.

When examine one sentence, every person has his or her own perspective and understanding! Each person has a different explanation. As a result, the usage of law of Qi (some of the current masters call “Compass School”) is different. If we said they are explaining the ancient Feng Shui classics, why won’t we say they are writing their own thesis.

Referencing the classics to strengthen one’s argument is a reasonable practice, because many people believe if the person is not famous, the idea that he or she presents is a fallacy. Many people would not absorb or try to fully understand the concepts by the author.

For those who tried to search the true knowledge, this is an obstacle; and if this is not removed, it will be difficult to improve. It is, therefore, essential to view an issue with an unbiased mind, and from different angles. Analyze those issues from their differences and similarities to find the right point. If we can follow this path, we will be able to solve the mysteries and find the new theories.

Think about this, ancient people do not have the “Ancient Classics”, so who can they reference to for supporting their arguments? As our ancient talents can break the rules, how come we, in the present, must use previous people’s words to support our thoughts? Why can’t we develop our own theories?

In order for a book to become a classic, it must go through many years. Try to answer this: if today’s fake master wrote some Feng Shui books that become tomorrow’s classics, and that our successors believe in those “classics” without doubts, what kind of knowledge will our successors get?

Today, most of the Feng Shui classics that we can access to are from inferior masters. The literatures themselves are poorly done, and many of them contained contradicting theories. Those that are written by scholars have very good flow and grammar, but they are living in their own thoughts and fantasies without practical experiences. This kind of literatures is nice for learning grammar and strengthening one’s creativities, but following the practices from it would be digging a grave for oneself. Unable to return. There are only a few that have contents and excellent perspective that learners can select; however those literatures are lack of flows and interests that non-linage learners are unable to find the true contents and secrets within it. This is the main idea that ancient Chinese masters follow: Pass the book, but not the key. This is also why it is important to have a good master.